FET Talks

Rudis provides fetish, kink, and leather education in the form of our FET Talks (Fetish Education Teaching) series. At all of our events we strongly encourage you to be free to wear your leather or fetish gear, and at our socials every other Wednesday we generally have discussions, demos, or workshops that highlight a variety of kinks, fetishes, or aspects of Leather. To find out what upcoming topics we’ll feature, be sure to check out our Facebook page.

This page serves as an online archive where you can find materials mentioned in previous FET Talks for your reference. Resources presented here are for informational purposes only, always consider your own safety, comfort level, health, and partners when exploring any of the kinks and fetishes listed here.

If you have expertise and experience in leather and kink and would like to be a featured Educator or Instructor at one of our FET Talks, please reach out to our Road Captain. An online application for this will soon be launching in February, 2024.

Educators and Instructors

Educators and Instructors are interviewed by the Road Captain and Activities Committee. Some have agreed to have their information shared here, so that they may serve as a resource to those curious about their expertise.

To apply to be an educator or instructor, click here.

  • List Coming Soon!